
joomchi (traditional Korean paper texturizing method), hanji (Korean paper made with dak, paper mulberry tree)

19 x 23 inches (unframed)

Inspired by the colors encountered during a trip to Aspen, CO, I used the joomchi process, a traditional Korean paper making technique, to transform stiff sheets and fragments of leftover hanji into a textured and sculptural substrate.

Aspen trees have a unique biology which embodies the sense of belonging. Every tree in an aspen grove is often connected to a single root system. Thus an aspen grove of many individual trees can be thought of as a single interconnected organism. What happens to one tree impacts the entire community or grove.  When one aspen tree gets damaged, the grove acts in unity to to rush nutrients to the wounded tree in need to help recovery and healing. This is what resilience looks like. Oh if only we humans can be like the aspen trees.