Peace Be With You
Kapa (Hawaiian barkcloth)
Bojagi (Korean wrapping cloth)
wauke, natural dyes, sumi ink, Korean silk textiles, bidan-hanji (Korean silk and paper textile), hand stitching with silk thread
14 x 26 inches
Peace Be With You is Inspired by bojagi, the traditional Korean wrapping cloth and in honor of the art of Hawaiian quilt making. In Korean culture, each hand stitch is thought to carry a blessing or wish for happiness to those using the bojagi. Both kapa and bojagi are used to carry sacred items and the making of these cloths are important cultural practices. With the challenging current circumstances in the world, I set an intention for peace for the viewers of this work as I stitched it. This work expresses my belief that we are all connected and deserve peace in our hearts and minds.
In order to soften the kapa, I scrunched it, like my joomchi art, and then ironed it before beating.
Dry beating the kapa using the mole (uncarved side) of my iʻe kuku (square beater).
Mosi (ramie) cloth.
Fun morning of stamping kapa with a hand-carved 'iwa bird stamp and ʻohe kapala (longer bamboo stamps).